Notes by Christina Pikas
She's citing Wikipedia :)
Diffusion of Innovations.
Pattern at which people adopt successful innovations .. Everett Rogers.
We're down at the beginning. Westrienen and Lynch D-Lib June 2005 (limitations on data), table, number of IRs per country, number of docs per IR. In September D-Lib, article by Lynch and Lippincott on US IRs.
Academic Institutional Repositories: Deployment Status in 13 Nations as of Mid 2005
Gerard van Westrienen, SURF Foundation; and Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Institutional Repository Deployment in the United States as of Early 2005
Clifford A. Lynch and Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Other work by Foster and Gibbons, Jan 2005 D-Lib
Three main barriers from Foster and Gibbons articles:
- our language, jargon... users don't know IR, metadata, etc
- time ... to find out about IR, understand why and how to use it...
- copyright
A la Clifford Lynch, IRs are sets of services, not softwares
"Never forget posterity when divising a policy. Never think of posterity when making a speech." Robert Menzies, former Prime Minister of Australia
- authors do not understand their rights, options
- publishers encourage authors to regard as pro forma that they transfer all rights to the publisher
- practices are not consistent among authors, publishers
Peer review
- chicken - egg, get content to look at quality, look at quality to get content
- this is more than just being peacocks, it's their bread and butter, life and death of their careers
New models for scientific works
- MIT CogNet
- Real Climate
- Columbia Earthscape
Digital data
- more on long-lived data (mentioned at ASIS&T, read document here)
- data management plans
Commercialization and content control
- previously, limiting access to make money
- we are not home free
Investment - who pays?
- underinvestment (investment in science scholarly communication systems has not kept pace with funding in science... can't keep cancelling journals to build repositories, that is not sustainable)
- copyright over-management, under-management
- commercialization
- good that we've jumped on this in new and potentially risky roles, and taken this as a job for librarians
Comment from the audience
- tension also exists between roles as editors, authors, researchers (within the same person)
Updated: 12/5 to add tag and picture
Posted by asistdaser
at 3:51 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 5 December 2005 12:56 PM EST